
Hollywood in Shanghai

The Oscar for movie theater admissions goes to China. According to data released by the Motion Picture Association of…

Plenty of Growing Room for Italian Shoe Brands in the Chinese Market

Courtesy of Lelio Gavazza and Beatrice Spagnoli At least eighteen Italian shoemakers have factories in Wenzhou, and according to the…

Can Myanmar Escape China’s Suffocating Embrace?

Last September, when the government of Myanmar – the country formerly known as Burma – suspended construction on the…

The Billionaire’s Club in Parliament

The Chinese National People’s Congress reunites in Beijing every March, and this year will be marked by an unexpected…

From Profit Maximization to the Power of Consumer Demand: A New “Ethical” Deal for Globalization

Adam Smith wrote in his famous “Wealth of Nations” that supply is always determined by the level and extent…

Your Factory is Your Home

China is showing once again that it has a remarkable ability to take advantage of changes in the global…

The Race for Hong Kong Chief Executive is Heating Up

In the year 2000, the number of babies born in Hong Kong to Mainland Chinese parents was a mere…

Barack Obama and Xi Jin Ping: A New, Different Power

Chinese Vice President Xi Jin Ping traveled to the US amid personal memories and political ambitions. In addition to…

Communes from Paris to Wukan

History does not repeat itself. The Paris Commune is different from the besieged village of Wukan, Guangdong Province, which…

China: A New Pattern to be Leader

The devastating financial crisis that erupted in 2008 has divided the world into two distinct landscapes: on one side,…