
China: A New Pattern to be Leader

The devastating financial crisis that erupted in 2008 has divided the world into two distinct landscapes: on one side,…

Becoming “Glocal” to Emerge from the Current Crisis

After 15 years of strenuous negotiations, on December 11th 2001, China was included into the World Trade Organization (WTO)….

Shanghai Traffic

To Kill the Goose that Lays Golden Cars

Too many cars and too much traffic. Beijing tries to rein in the deteriorating problems with administrative measures. The…

Interpret The New Catalogue, Discover New Opportunities

Prior to Christmas Day, the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries (Revised 2011) was approved by the…

The Long Road to Consumption

Consumption does not break records as expected; it does grow, but reluctantly. The country looks hesitant to push its…

The shoe is on the other foot

After the catastrophic financial crisis erupted in 2008, the global landscape emerges unthinkable changes. The affluent industrialized countries devastated…

For Beijing, to help Europe is to help China

Can China be less “sinocentric”? Will the Middle Kingdom be able not to be at the center of its…

Game of Chicken

China, the second largest economy of the world known as a notorious export powerhouse, has witnessed an impressive growth…

A Warmer Tie

The Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between China and Taiwan has been the most significant treaty since the end…

Make the Great Wall Obsolete

China is luring an increasing number of foreign students – millions of them – to learn Mandarin, spreading its…