Romeo Orlandi

Merkel Dances Alone In Beijing

Beijing finds itself much more at ease with Berlin than it does with Brussels. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent…

China’s Post-Hu Summer Getaway

Chinese communist leaders often hold their informal meetings in Beidaihe, a touristic community 180km from Beijing on the Bohai…

Neo-Maoism On Trial

Gu Kailai’s death sentence was expected and inevitable. The formerly powerful wife of the formerly super-powerful ex-Communist party boss…

Here’s Why India Blew It At The 2012 Olympics

If Italy still belongs to the Olympic G8, then India doesn’t even make it into the G20. India’s final…

An India-Japan Alliance Based On Fear Of The Dragon

It is hard to imagine two countries more different than India and Japan, without falling prey to cliché. They…

India’s Blackouts Bring An Archaic System To The Forefront

In a tragic crescendo of calamity, two consecutive blackouts in two days brought India to its knees at the…

Time As A Natural Resource

Does Beijing submit to the hands of the clock, or does it force them? Is it the passage of…

India’s New President Is Facing An Uphill Battle

Pranab Mukherjee is officially the 13th president of independent India, succeeding Pratibha Patil, the first woman to hold India’s…

A Matter Of Women

The crime and politics sections of Far Eastern news have taken a page from the gossip column. Two women…

Maruti Suzuki: Competition From Outside And Resistance From Within Threaten The Dream Of The Indian Car

Tensions have boiled over at the Maruti Suzuki plant in Manesar, a city in the massive Delhi urban sprawl….