Alberto Forchielli

Is a Glorious Past a Trap or a Springboard?

Is a glorious past a trap or a springboard? This is the question Italians should ask themselves as they contemplate…

Campaigning on Chinese Issues

Forget the expensive campaign, the fighting caucus, the TV spots. The race to the White House is a kind…

Communes from Paris to Wukan

History does not repeat itself. The Paris Commune is different from the besieged village of Wukan, Guangdong Province, which…

China and Brazil, A “South-South Axis”

China intends to reach every corner of the global village but Brazil is one of her most favorites destinations….

Buying Time From North Korea

China may kill North Korea, but may not control the outcomes of the death. The country’s lifeline passes through…

Say Cheese, Not Steel

In times of crisis, the fear of China grows. Recent studies and researches prove that the nation is more…

Shanghai Traffic

To Kill the Goose that Lays Golden Cars

Too many cars and too much traffic. Beijing tries to rein in the deteriorating problems with administrative measures. The…

The Long Road to Consumption

Consumption does not break records as expected; it does grow, but reluctantly. The country looks hesitant to push its…

Awakening of the sleeping dragon

After few years from the Deng Xiao Ping’s reforms, China became the most powerful magnet for multinational companies. It…

The shoe is on the other foot

After the catastrophic financial crisis erupted in 2008, the global landscape emerges unthinkable changes. The affluent industrialized countries devastated…