Alberto Forchielli

Growing with an inferiority complex

Last meeting of BRICS countries held in Sanya shed more light on the emerging countries’ weight in the international…

Mao's use of commitment, themes and media-alive today

Mao Zedong’s figure still stands large in China today, a symbol of China’s determined will and a recognized instrument…

Too close to Guandong to learn from Singapore

Is Hong Kong still so peculiar as “Special Administrative Region”? Its “One country two system” status made it smart…

Jack Ma, Pride and Shame

Jack Ma is presently a subject of criticism in Caixin. The dispute with Yahoo and Softbank may prove to…

The Exports Boom Does not Hide the "Virtues of Imports"

The interpretation of China’s most recent data on foreign trade is complex but not conflicting. The month of May…

A Tale of Two Cities for Sino Forest

“A Tale of Two Cities” is befalling on Sino Forest. As in the world-famous novel by Charles Dickens, the…

Money Again to Fix Money Losses

Will you pump water in the aqueduct even if you realize it is full of holes? Yes, provided you…

The 5 Years Plan, 2011-2016 is Just a Bridge Toward a More Complex Future

China must to evolve its economic model to avoid the “middle income trap”, a condition where initial dashing success…

Is the Trap Concealed?

Per capita income in China grew from 155 Usd in 1978 to 4.300 in 2011. Ironically, this unprecedented result…

IMF: the Last Round for Europe

If the World Bank’s leadership is appointed by the United States, the IMF’s has be from Western Europe. Today,…